Contributions to EELP's Fall Fund Drive directly support the greatest needs at our school by helping us bridge the gap between tuition charged and the actual cost to educate each student. Your gifts help keep tuition affordable for all families, compensate our faculty and staff at a just and equitable salary, and continuously improve the growth opportunities for our kids.

The Fall Fund goal for 2023/2024 is $30,000. Gifts typically range in size from $100 to over $5,000. We ask each person or family to participate at a level that feels right to them – our goal is to achieve 100% participation. Participation is most important to us; it signifies a commitment to our mission, and it reflects a strong and vital partnership with our community. You are part of making this a reality.

Please note that we incur a 5% fee for each donation made online. Please consider including the 5 percent fee in your donation, or pay by check. Thank you!
